342. Power of Four

Problem description:

Given an integer (signed 32 bits), write a function to check whether it is a power of 4.


705. Design HashSet

Problem description:

Design a HashSet without using any built-in hash table libraries.


520. Detect Capital

Problem description:

Given a word, you need to judge whether the usage of capitals in it is right or not.


24. Swap Nodes in Pairs

Problem description:

Given a linked list, swap every two adjacent nodes and return its head.


2. Add Two Numbers

Problem description:

You are given two non-empty linked lists representing two non-negative integers. The digits are stored in reverse order and each of their nodes contain a single digit. Add the two numbers and return it as a linked list


Poor Economics

Chapter 3.

人天生會把小成本往後延, 這樣就不必在今天付出代價, 而是延到明天才負擔. 因此可善用小獎勵補償付出的成本. 如果此推論正確, 則以往補貼式的政策就是合理的. 並且, 介入選擇的其中一個方法就是提供default option. 若有預設選擇, 那人們跳出預設選擇就須相當費力. 
很多情況下, 時間不一致性阻礙我們把意願化為行動. 因為如果充分認識當下行動的好處, 那很難相信時間不一致性足以讓他們繼續拖延. 更合理的解釋為不但拖延並且低估行動帶來的好處.


Amazon behavioral prepare

While interviewing with Amazon, the interviewers would ask you lots of behavioral questions based on Amazon leadership principles. The best way to prepare for your interview is to consider how you’ve applied the Leadership Principles in your previous professional experience.



Spring boot:


find max path

Problem description:

Give N*N matrix with random amount of money. can only go left-right, top-bottom. Find the path with max amount of money in its way.


947. Most Stones Removed with Same Row or Column

Problem description:

On a 2D plane, we place stones at some integer coordinate points. Each coordinate point may have at most one stone.
